Getting right hotel amenities is a major challenge for the hotel owners. Starting a hotel requires lots of knowledge, experience and skills. There are countless things that one needs to set up a hotel. Only for bathroom there are dozens of products one has to manage. To make the task easier, in this article we have made a small checklist. This checklist has all the essential bath and body products that you need have in your hotel bathroom

Tooth Brush: You can offer regular size toothbrush or even a small size tooth brush option available.

Tooth Paste: There are a couple of options available in toothpaste. You can keep the Colgate one or even mint one. Also, toothpaste in small packets is a good option.

Deodorant Stick: A good alcohol free Deodorant Stick is a must. It would be another add-on after bath products you will have.

Makeup Remover Wipes: You can keep 2-3 makeup remover wipes satchels in the Bathroom. It would be an add-on to other products you keep and your guest would be happy to see.

Shoe Shine Cloth: A properly packed shoe cloth would be recommended from our end. To dress up for a special occasion at hotel would require shoe shine cloth.

Shower Cap: It's not necessary that every time one takes a bath, she goes for hair wash too. In that case, shower cap would be helpful. A shower cap with other bath amenities is a must to offer.

Twin Blade Razor: A good quality twin blade razor is a must have in a hotel bathroom. You can offer 1-2 at a time. Mostly for hotels, you get disposable 1 time use twin blade razors.

Shaving Cream : You can offer Shaving cream in small bottles or even sachets. If you want to offer 1 time use product then sachet is a good option. However, Shaving cream bottles of 1.5oz are more popular among hotels.

Some other must offer bath and body products are hair comb, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, soap, body cream etc. These are small things but together, if you manage to offer good quality products, your guest would be really happy.